运输安全管理局, 免税的年金, 是《十大网赌排行榜》(IRC)的技术术语,受IRC第403(b)条规管。 通常被称为403(b)计划. 非营利性501(c)免税组织、高等教育机构和公立学校的雇员 are eligible to tax-defer income under this plan for additional retirement savings.
你对运输安全管理局的自愿捐款减少了你的应税收入(工资),包括州税和联邦税. Contributions must be made through your employer. 运输安全管理局 contributions do not affect Social Security taxes or reported wages 社会保障. 抵扣或递延的税款和应计利息的纳税义务推迟到 the money is withdrawn as income, usually at retirement time. Do not confuse tax sheltered or deferred with tax exempt.
IRC非歧视规则规定,向一组雇员提供免税年金计划的雇主必须提供 this program to all employees with some exceptions. 十大网赌软件推荐 offers participation to all employees, with the exceptions of work-study 学生, 学生雇员和兼职工资(P-14)雇员通常每周工作时间少于20小时. Adjunct faculty are eligible to participate.
Participation in a 运输安全管理局 plan will reduce your taxes immediately. 你向运输安全管理局缴纳的每一美元目前都不需要缴纳普通所得税. 因此,通过参加这个计划,你通常会少交联邦和州所得税. 下表中显示的示例假设一个雇员有一项预扣税豁免.
结果:你贡献了150美元.00 but your take-home pay is only reduced by $118.88 because of lower taxes for FIT and SIT.
Immediate 100% vesting is available on all your contributions.
Loan provisions enable you to borrow against your account balance.
You have a wide choice of investment options.
在日历年度结束时,你的W-2将显示你调整后的工资用于纳税申报. W-2上的一个单独的方框将显示日历年的总递延金额,适当地编码为403(b)钱.
教育机构的雇员可以选择其他限制,并允许有资格的人超过一般的延期限制. 一般, 你可以贡献, 在大多数情况下*, 相当于你现在工资的20%, 最多不超过10美元,000元/历年, 按税前计算. 您的最大供款金额由IRC公式根据您提供给承运商的数据确定. 计算结果称为您的最大排除津贴(MEA)。. This calculation is to be done every year, 或者随着变化而变化, as the variables in the formula change.
根据IRC第402(g)条, employees with 15 服务年限 with the same employer, 受上限限制, 有资格超过10美元吗,000的极限,如果公式允许的话.
*New employees are not able to defer at the 20% figure.
Once you decide to participate and agree to the amount to be deferred each pay period, you may change the deferral amount during the (calendar) year. 国家工资系统不允许百分比,所以任何延期付款金额必须以美元表示.
是的. Elective contributions may be suspended at any time; however, 以新的减薪协议及最高免税额(MEA)继续供款 必须完成. 您已存入的供款将根据您的分配继续参与相应的基金体验. Allocations can be changed anytime by contacting your 运输安全管理局 plan carrier.
您可以将您的供款直接投资于您所选择的保险公司提供的任何一种或多种投资选择. Investment options include both fixed accounts and variable accounts, with a wide range of investment options. 你的承运人 代表可以与您讨论您的选择,并提供有关分配供款的额外信息, transferring between funds, carrier charges and other questions you may have. 不?t overlook the importance of asking specific questions regarding fees, surrender charges, and other costs to you. 没有愚蠢的问题!
是的. Monies contributed to a 运输安全管理局 account are intended for additional retirement income. 因此,t的可用性 hese funds prior to retirement is restricted. 1986年《十大网赌排行榜》中的联邦立法限制提取1989年1月以后的捐款,除非发生下列事件之一:
提取1989年以前的捐款仍受1989年1月以前生效的法律规定的限制, with possible carrier limitation and/or surrender charges. Monies withdrawn maybe subject to a 10% IRC penalty unless certain conditions are met. 这些条件是:
注册过程从联系一个或多个国家合格承运人名单开始,该名单可以从学院工资和人事办公室获得. 承运人代表将使用IRC公式为您计算最高排除津贴(MEA). A MEA tells you the maximum deferral available to you for the current 应纳税年. You must furnish the carrier the data for the formula. MEA计算的准确性取决于您提交的完整和准确的数据.
Data you must furnish the carrier includes: salary, 服务年限, (兼职工作的部分年数, wage or part-time salaried must be equated to that of a full-time employee), 457 governmental deferred compensation amounts, prior contributions made at 十大网赌软件推荐 to other carriers, 每年的税前福利金额, e.g., premium conversion/flexible spending accounts, breaks in service and educational or sabbatical leave at 50% pay.
Once you have been told the maximum amount you are eligible to defer, you must then determine the amount you wish to defer. 这个数字记在工资上 Reduction Agreement furnished by New River Community College Personnel Office. This form becomes the payroll authorization. 你必须在这张表上签字并注明 whether you have chosen an alternative limit to maximize your contribution. 如果你不知道,问你的承运人! 这对你将来的使用很重要. 年度供款金额或递延金额除以支付的次数,以确定每个支付期?s amount (18 or 24 for 9-month faculty, 12个月的教员为24小时,分类,工资和兼职教员的具体情况). 运输安全管理局 contributions or deferrals are not taken from summer payrolls although all wages from 十大网赌软件推荐 may be used in the formula data. 减薪协议和最高免税额(MEA)表格必须在扣除开始之前提供给人事办公室.
这些钱由雇主资源公司在雇员发薪日之后寄给承运人. The monies are allocated according to the investment options selected and listed on the form you completed with your chosen carrier. 可以根据运营商提供的说明随时更改分配.